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First Draft-Story Consultant


First five pages are FREE!


So, you've written the first draft of your novel and are looking for feedback from someone other than your partner or friends.


Often inviting a new, objective pair of eyes in the early stages can help identify where alternate choices could be considered in order to tighten, tweak, or even radically change a story.  

However, for most writers first drafts are not the time to invest in commissioning a professional edit, or even a manuscript assessment. 


Instead, why not consider whistling up a Story Consultant, like Jack.


Jack will provide you with feedback on your novel, stories or memoir the characters who populate it and suggestions on alternative ways you might think about presenting it at a fraction of the cost of an editor or a manuscript assessment.


Jack has assisted both novice and experienced writers with their first and second drafts 


If you think your first draft could benefit why not drop Jack a line on the link below?He'll invite you to send the first five pages of your work (double spaced). Feedback will be provided on the sample at no charge. Then, if you are both satisfied that you could work together then a very reasonable quote will be provided which will be substantially less than a manuscript assessment or structural edit.

Please note Jack is not an editor, nor does he profess to be. If you require a professional editor, either structural or copy, he is happy to provide some referrals of professionals who have done great work for him. 


"Paul is amazing. He suggested ways to make my manuscript publishable. It was like receiving one long mentoring session."

Hazel Barker. Author of:

"Heaven Tempers the Wind. Story of a War Child."

"The Sides of Heaven."                                                   

"Count Your Blessings. Colin’s Story"                         

"Chocolate Soldier. The Story of a Conchie" 


To get a quote

or more information-

Green Typewriter


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